198 | The Purpose of Your Money Goals

What if the purpose of your money goal isn’t to achieve it? Most lawyers view their goals as finish lines to reach, with anything short of full achievement being deemed failure. But that perspective overlooks the immense value in the journey toward the goal and...

197 | Don’t Be a Victim of Your Finances

Sometimes it can feel like your finances are just happening to you. But they’re not. You have authority over your finances, and you can change your financial circumstances. All it takes is a decision to do so. In this episode, let’s talk about how not...

196 | Thoughts About the Future

The way you think about your future is critical to achieving the goals you have for your future. The issue is many of us go to the negative and believe our goals are impossible or that things won’t work out for us. You have to believe that the things you want...

195 | Growing Your Capacity to Have Money

Learning to have money is critical to making progress on your financial goals. Many lawyers are used to not having money, so keeping money feels hard at first. But when you get this down, you can create stability in your finances, pay down debt, and save more. In this...

194 | The Key to Financial Breakthrough

Everything we do with our money stems from what we believe about money and the best use for it. That means to experience a breakthrough with your finances, you need to shift your beliefs about your finances. In this episode, I share the belief shift and subsequent...

193 | How to Get Better Results with Your Finances

You’re not getting better results with your finances because you’re not spending time on the things that would yield better results. We often put a lot of time and attention toward things that don’t move the needle in our finances. When you put more...