194 | The Key to Financial Breakthrough

Everything we do with our money stems from what we believe about money and the best use for it. That means to experience a breakthrough with your finances, you need to shift your beliefs about your finances. In this episode, I share the belief shift and subsequent...

193 | How to Get Better Results with Your Finances

You’re not getting better results with your finances because you’re not spending time on the things that would yield better results. We often put a lot of time and attention toward things that don’t move the needle in our finances. When you put more...

192 | Why Making More Isn’t the Answer

Making more money isn’t the quick fix solution to your money problems that you think it’s going to be. You may make more now than you did at another point in life when you told yourself things would be better once you made more money. But still, you find...

191 | Tracking Toward Wealth

Many lawyers don’t make the progress they want to make with their finances simply because they don’t pay attention to their finances. You can’t not look at your numbers and expect them to magically get better. What gets measured gets improved. In...

190 | Mindset Mixed with Debt Freedom with Gabe and Olisi

My clients Gabe and Olisi found themselves struggling with their debt balances and feeling stressed. But they were so focused on the negatives of their finances that they missed the positive things they were doing with their money. Although we worked on paying down...